Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Monthly Update April

Here comes the rain ...for real. The rains have arrived. In Uganda that means it is time to plant. In the past week we’ve seen over 12 inches of rainfall mostly at night. During the day we measure and plant. Here in YWAM Hopeland, Ugandans are learning the value of mulch. The Farming God’s Way technique of planting that we follow calls mulch God’s Blanket. Even though it is just cut grass, there never seems to be enough of it. We will start our compost for the vegetable gardens soon and it will require more grass as well. We must move forward not fearing scarcity. If we truly believe in God’s provision for our gardens and our lives we must live as though there will be enough, even an abundance. This is so much different than what the world teaches. If you get more then someone else gets less. For you to win someone has to lose. We rob from Peter to pay Paul. But we believe in a messiah that fed 5,000 people with three small buns and two fish. Not only was there enough, there was an abundance. We are naming our fields after the Fruits of the Spirit. There isn’t a fruit of abundance because we expect them all to be abundant. Many believe Africa can not only feed itself but also the world. Thank you for helping us train Africans to grow beyond their fear of scarcity. 

Jeri leads a group of local HIV+ women who meet every Friday for support and the study of scripture. AIDS has ravaged Africa, and those who are diagnosed with this disease do suffer with many obstacles. One of these was lack of education. They come to the Bible study because they know only God can minister to their need and they know that comes with the study of scripture, but many of them are illiterate. The Ugandan Bible Society has adapted a device that speaks to that challenge. A solar powered audio Bible with the scripture in the local language that has a headphone jack as well as a speaker. Jeri found this resource and reached out to our supporters for help. Ten people received her plea and now twenty women and families have the Word of God available to them in a language they can understand. We went all the way to Kampala to collect them and Jeri and the girls presented them to the women at their end of the month feast. The joy these women had in hearing the word of God was such a gift.  It was a true party! What a privilege to be your ambassadors and give these women your expression of love and compassion for the people of Uganda. 

Easter is upon us and our church gave the children’s ministry the opportunity to present a resurrection drama on Palm Sunday. Xander was a Roman guard, Liesel was one of the ribbon dancers, and Jax was Jesus! He did such a good job. The children have missed their community theater opportunities since being here so this was a great chance for them to perform and bring glory to God this season.