A Month of Thanks
Thanksgiving is the most American of holidays. Including our Canadian brethren to the north, a day set aside to be thankful is unique in this world. We try to explain Thanksgiving here and it just sounds like we are grateful for eating a lot of food; which isn't a bad explanation, 'cause what I wouldn't give for some Greenburg smoked turkey dipped in cranberry sauce. Last year we had the distraction of the Agriculture School to keep our focus off missing candied sweet potatoes with mini marshmallows. This year Dora's birthday will occupy our end of month festivities. She wanted to have a Hawaiian Luau, which would have been an indoor event in Texas, but here it's warm enough to make fresh flower leis.We have much to be thankful for. Jeri comes back from a successful trip to Germany tomorrow. We purchased the car that many of you contributed towards. Except for the red head getting his weekly sunburn we have all been healthy this year. Yes, we miss family and friends. Yes, the fall chill and seasonal colors are Jeri's favorite part of the year. And yes, I miss my wife spending all day cooking my favorite meal of the year. But in perspective of where we live and why we are here we couldn't be more blessed. For all the things we miss we rely on you. So post your pictures of a full table of food. Take lots of selfies with loved ones. Update your status regularly as you wait for the turkey to roast. We live through those moments and are connected to you just as you are to us when you comment our posts.
In the spirit of giving I wanted the children to be a part of your social media landscape so we photographed them and added text to make them memes that you can use in your communications. They were good sports about it, especially Zoe. It takes a very confident young woman to let her father talk her into the photo she took.
Enjoy the beginning of your Holiday season and say an extra prayer for loved ones who are separated from their families.
And just for fun...
Six years ago Jeri and the girls went to California without me and the three young'uns. The end of this October Jeri left me alone with the children for three weeks. Well I couldn't let that go without recreating that moment from 2009. I always say the key to good parenting is consistency.